Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Selecting content for a teacher education programme

It's been a while! Last time, I wrote about the sequencing of content, but not about the selection of the content. This, however, was actually our starting point. We had a two-dimensional view of the content as our starting point, but as the work continued, we developed our view. I am hoping that by sharing some of that journey, we can engage in dialogue about the principled thinking other mathematics teacher educators engage in programme development.

The starting point
Previously, the four mathematics education courses had been arranged according to mathematical topics. It was important to still cover the key ideas within topics, but we decided to use mathematics education ideas as the organising principle. In order to cover both, we worked from a matrix:

  Learner thinking Representations Discursive perspectives ...           

The idea was to decide on a sequence of the mathematics education perspectives and then have a primary and a secondary mathematics topic connected to each of these perspectives. And this is how we worked.

It gave rise to these four courses:
(1) Noticising learner thinking, with a focus on number and probability
(2) To make mathematical objects/concepts accessible to learners (hereunder representations), with a focus on geometry and algebra
(3) To open mathematics to all (inclusion), with a focus on statistics and measurement
(4) To further mathematical thinking and communication (hereunder reasoning), with a focus on algebra and geometry

Adding the pedagogies
Stumbling across an article for other purposes added another dimension.

Taking clinical practice seriously will require us to add pedagogies of enactment to our existing repertoire of pedagogies of reflection and investigation. (Grossman, Hammerness & McDonald, 2009, s. 274)

Of course we were aware of using different pedagogies, and as most teacher education programmes, ours have to include practica which are pedagogies of enactment. But the quote draw our attention to how these pedagogies could be used more as planning tools, to ensure that the different pedagogies are linked. In addition, we felt that a pedagogy was missing, namely the reproducing or acquisition pedagogy, where students engage texts in order to learn about existing concepts, research results and theories.

This pointed us to a three-dimensional model, where each activity in the courses would address (mainly) one mathematics education point, one mathematics topic, and use on pedagogy. And where the activities would link through the different pedagogies. For the mathematics dimension, we added a distinction between focusing on mathematical objects/concepts or mathematical practices/discourses. Of course other approaches are possible, but we felt this was a powerful planning tool. Here's an example of more detailed planning:

The colour codes made it easy to get an overview of which dimensions had been covered. It is the same yellow throughout here, which indicates that the focus is on learner thinking throughout. It is the same green, which indicates that the focus is on number sense and conceptual understanding. It is the same red/pink, which indicates that the focus is on number. Only the blue column changes, and this reflects the changes in pedagogy.

Transformations between theory, practice and the empirical

Incidentally, by including an analytic element - nothing new in doing that - we also ensure that teacher education engages theory as more than a way to inform practice, a normative theoretical perspective. Working with actual learner tasks, classroom videos, teaching materials etc. and analysing these, we bring in the empirical dimension (something discussed very insightfully in Carlsen and von Oettingen, 2020). As Carlsen and von Oettingen point out, these three dimensions offer different perspectives on the same incident, and thus allows one to see the old as unfamiliar or the new as familiar. It is in the interactions and not the least the transformations of one perspective to another that the real learning may happen, the one that also transforms the self.

Carlsen, D., & von Oettingen, A. (2020). Universitetsskolen–et bud på en didaktisk orienteret forskningsbasering af læreruddannelsen. Acta Didactica Norden, 14(2).
Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., & McDonald, M. (2009). Redefining teaching, re‐imagining teacher education. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 15(2), 273-289.